EN Document Management Solution

DELIVERABLE:Integrated electronic registry and document flow solution, implementation and training for employees

The integrated IT solution that we developed and present on this page will ensure complete functionality in terms of the traceability of activities within the Company’s or Institutions services, both in terms of internal flows and in terms of the services offered to clients/citizens.

The system will comply with good practices, national laws and European norms (regulations and directives) in matters of electronic identity, personal data protection and cyber security. The security of all computer system interfaces will be ensured 100%. Administration functions will be provided to allow granting or revoking access rights, access to information based on access credentials.

The application is hosted online, so it can be accessed anytime and from anywhere there is an internet connection, including from mobile devices.

Some of the functionalities:

  • Allows registration of entry, exit and internal documents;
  • Supports the implementation of the Internal Managerial Control System;
  • Allows attachment of documents;
  • It allows documents to be distributed to one or more people;
  • Allows tracking of document history;
  • Allows alerts when a certain document expires;
  • Allows printing of daily, weekly, monthly reports;
  • It allows multiple resolution of documents;
registratura electrnica si flux de documente

Phone number for details 0369 10 11 11

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