EN – Who we are

What we do

The short story

We are a young team of people, passionate about everything regarding technology, development and smart cities. We can help you with solutions and infrastructures for the development of towns, institutions and simplification of working procedures. Active for over 20 years in the field of public administration, we want to develop public services and the administrative system. We want smart villages, communities, cities and modern municipalities, environmentally friendly, intelligent and quality services that increase the comfort and well-being of citizens.

Our purpose

To support the development and adoption of smart city solutions.

To facilitate access to solutions, equipment and services.

Let’s get involved in the development of a smart city ecosystem, from consulting to implementation and alternatives.

Let’s adapt the solutions for each village/city, depending on their needs and possibilities.

Let’s create creatively intelligent communities.

Let`s offer quality products, services and access to technology for everyone.

Development for society and involvement in our growth.


Send us an email and ask for info contact@citymanager.online

Find solutions

We can offer the right solution to you. We customize the solutions in the portfolio according to the client’s needs.

We are at your service with a complex portfolio of smart services and products


systems and apps


products and equipments




development and trainings

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