EN City Manager
Mobile App
DELIVERABLE: CityManager mobile app, customized for your institution and made available to citizens via IoS and Android
Citizens involvement in the local life and the possibility to participate in the future of the community is one of the most powerful tools in the smart citizen concept.
A smart city or village is not smart without the smart citizen vertical and without the active involvement of citizens in local government.
CityManager offers the local public administration acces to an easy, fast and intuitive mobile app through which citizens can report problems in the public space at any given time. CityManager App brings the community closer to public administration.
- transparency towards the local community
- building trust in the public administration system
- simple, convenient, efficient and real-time interaction with citizens
- time saving functions
- citizens can assume their responsability
- eliminating bureacratic barriers
- increased performance (public administration)
We live in a world of knowledge, of invading information by all means and the simplest main way available is the one found by a simple click on the computer or smartphone.
We launched CityManager App for the town halls that have already implemented the CityManager Premium solution as part of the level 4 digitization strategy. The citizens served can access electronic services directly from the application.
- CityManager App can be accessed by both individuals and legal entities by simply creating and accessing an unique online account.
- Those who already have an online account in PORTAL can use the same authentication data without having to register again. User registration is done by filling in mandatory fields and setting a password
- After creating the user, it is necessary to authenticate with your email and password in the application.
- A user can use several profiles, respectively one for each town where he has taxes and fees.
- After creating the account, a CityHall official needs to validate it online.
Services available in CityManager App:
- up-to-date taxpayer situation
- access to statements
- access to payments made
- access to Fiscal Certificates
- access to other certificates and documents
- the possibility to pay taxes and fees online from the application
- the possibility to pay traffic fines online, directly from the application
- the ability to report an issue in the application
- access to information and notifications of public interest
- access to the user / citizen profile
- access to public announcements of the City Hall
- access to the status of documents submitted online
- access to news on the Local Official Gazette
- news
- real-time notifications
- one-click access away from essential information in relation to public administration